Cepny Curry House is an Indian cuisine restaurant which is located at Riau Business Center Jl. Riau, Pekanbaru. It's the same area with Grand Elite Hotel.
Roti tisu Rp 15.000,-
It was the first time I tasted Indian cuisine in Pekanbaru. I have some experiences eating Indian Food in Batam, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. All gave different impression.
mie claypot Rp 22.000,- |
Cepny's gave new experience of tasting Indian menus. I have tried curry rice, martabak with curry and teh tarik (tea), but Roti Tisu is a unique. Roti Tisu is like crepe but with shocking shape.
martabak Rp 16.000,- |
I don't have any complain about the taste.
Es teh tarik Rp 12.000
Es teh Rp 6.000
Aqua Rp 5.000
Cepny Curry House Pekanbaru
Riau Business Center Jl. Riau
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